hi guys!
you think you are too fat? you eat too much? still hungry?
pick up some chrome[Cr]
The researchers found that trivalent chromium in the form activates many enzymes involved in maintaining the normal structure of proteins and nucleic acids and regulates the metabolism of sugars and fats.
Metabolic effects of chromium is to strengthen the action of insulin, a hormone that allows glucose transport into cells of all living organism.
Simply put, it helps you control hunger and reduce snacking between meals.
Available in any store and pharmacy.
You have the feeling of bricks instead of brain?
You can not focus? Having trouble remembering things?
or you often have muscle cramps?
Do you drink coffee every day?
Cur every day little bit of magnesium [Mg]
For the life processes are carried out properly, the body must produce a lot of energy. This is possible only when the body there is enough magnesium. Meanwhile, many people have too little of this element. The reason? This is the most highly processed foods food, life in a hurry and stress. The concentration of magnesium in the body also decreases under the influence of certain diseases, medications, and effort.
Stabilizing function of the nervous system and improves the working brain cells. Taking part in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, determines the energy supply to tissues and cells of the body, especially sensitive to a deficiency of nerve cells in the brain. Also reduces their hyperactivity, acting on the body calms. It improves memory and thinking.
Magnesium is responsible for the efficient operation of cardio-vascular system. It turns out that the inhabitants of the surrounding area, where there is hard water (containing much magnesium) significantly less likely to die of a heart attack.
Available in any store and pharmacy.
Of course, these two elements affect many more things that I have not written here, so feel free to browsing the Web
Thanks for the info, although, I don't take much supplements.
OdpowiedzUsuńI've been taking magnesium daily for a couple of years now.